for Bill Biederman

Meanwhile, in the real world, everything was on the table.
Reality-based life (fact finding) was on the table.

Eggs laid, butter churned, earth turned. Mill foaming lazy river.
Once wheat was in the bins, taxpaying was on the table.

Sums necessary to make a right and true accounting.
At last, double-entry bookkeeping was on the table.

Servant sun spun ’round flat planet master. Then a time-lapse
shining apple dove. Stephen Hawking was on the table.

Goods of here weighed against goods of there: gray-scaled fortunes made
Gods miniature. Prudent swashbuckling was on the table.

Backwardation. Contango. Something smart for that nasty
cough. News brews, snooze lose. Blackberrying was on the table.

Paper upon a dead tree, slayed and shaved, soaked, cut, oiled,
measured. An agreement (fast, binding) was on the table.

Give longitude a little latitude, give currency
a cozy vaulted nest. Mapmaking was on the table.