Gassed Kurds, mass graves—accomplishments as king
reveal how bright the sun shines while basking.
Fatherless, you became what most becomes
you: a Stalinist in Sunni masking.
Chemical Ali applied mustard with
relish, as if he were human husking.
Guests watched Son Uday slice your dear valet
with ’lectric carving knife, without risking.
Son Qusay slaughtered thousands of Shiites,
a sect subject to capricious frisking.
Moronic ministers soft-shoe and sing
sarcastic, a little pre-war busking.
U.S. this and that. Freud ploys ribbing Shrub.
Mock charges. All the normal tsk-tsking.
Cornered, desperate, out of gas, the old bull
elephant insists on a last tusking.